circa 1935: Port Kelton, star of RKO’s ‘Bachelor Bait’ scrubs her face, neck and hands with a soft complexion brush as part of her regular beauty routine. (Photo by Robert Coburn/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Cleansing brushes are something I come across consistently as part of well-intentioned skin care routines.
Clients look confused and shocked when I tell them I would prefer if they didn’t use them while I treat their skin.
But why you ask – I thought they were great? Firstly, if you are a brush user ask yourself the following. Does my skin feel tight / uncomfortable after I cleanse? Do I feel tight/dry during the day? Do I notice my skin flaking sometimes? Am I flushing or noticing sensitivity becoming a problem in my skin? If the answer is yes to any of these questions you are unfortunately damaging your face and this will eventually impact how you age.
If you answered no to these questions and use a brush ………………………you probably haven’t been using it long enough!
Why they are damaging – Your skin when functioning correctly should work like a brick wall, stopping nasties from getting in and stopping lovely moisture from escaping out. We should respect this wall, this wall protects from a certain amount of uv rays, allergens and nasty cosmetic ingredients that age us. We should use ingredients to help build it up and protect it in every way. When this wall is working properly – your skin ages well, feels soft and hydrated and looks bright.
Sadly, for some reason we don’t like this healthy skin wall and choose the strongest sand blasting agents to brush, break and knock it down. Feels lovely for a day or two but invariably over time your skin is robbed of moisture, gets irritated and starts flaking. Flaking does not always mean you need more exfoliation.
A better daily system:
Cleanse daily with a milk or cream cleanser (unless you have acne/rosacea and are on a prescribed wash).
Gently remove with something that won’t tear or irritate your skin.
Wait two weeks and see how your skin rewards you with a much healthier bright complexion.