Jeanne Brophy Blog

Jeanne Brophy Blog

The annoying fact is that we are all going to age but there are plenty of things that we can do to help slow this process. Sleep well, eat well, exercise, stay hydrated, stay out of the sun and don’t smoke. You have heard it all before. What we follow from that list will play a large part in how we age.
The products and skincare we choose to use will also play a part.
Let’s face it we all love the idea of that perfect anti-age potion and so many products claim they can do the job…. The question is do they?
The answer for the majority of products is no. There are actually very few ingredients that can create structural change within the skin or support how it ages effectively. What I find the majority of people using is moisturiser…. Moisturisers are not anti-age, they hydrate your skin. If your skin needs help on the hydration front they are great, if it doesn’t they probably won’t serve any purpose for you.
What does your skin need to age at its best?
One of the main issues that effects all of us as we age is volume loss. The deeper layers of our skin effectively shrink leading to lines and wrinkles and an appearance of skin sagging. Our top layers also don’t renew themselves effectively. These processes are accelerated dramatically by uv exposure. (not just sun holidays, going out every day without sunscreen!)
What should you do?
Anti-age checklist
• Anti-oxidants – they won’t change your skin now but help fight a daily battle against free radicals that damage your skin every day. An anti-oxidant serum should be applied every morning.
• Sun-screen – 90% of premature ageing comes from the sun. Protect it daily with a broad spectrum sunscreen. This will help prevent your skin thinning at a faster rate which can lead to wrinkles, volume loss and pigmentation.
• Vitamin A – Really the only proven ingredient to help stimulate and thicken the deeper layers of your skin. An absolute must for wrinkle prevention, a bright complexion and overall healthy skin. It’s also excellent for spot prone skin.
• Vitamin C – Vitamin C helps the process of collagen formation within the skin. It also helps regulate enzymes within the skin that can damage collagen and elastin that we have.
Check your skincare routine.

Are these ingredients present? If you are worried about ageing or age prevention they should be!

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